Food Art

Backstage Menu –a series of photographs

The series presents a parody of the contemporary commercial imagery. The photographs deal with the representation of such issues as consumption, sex/gender and food. Some of the photographs refer to the fashion industry, others to nutrition advertisements. Some of the images also deal with the ideal women presented by the porn industries. The series as a whole refers to a novel “The Edible Woman” by Margaret Atwood.

The series deconstructs the representational strategies of commercial imagery. This is done by converting the process of a commercial photo shoot into an exaggerated performance. The working method combines the strategies of performance and photo art as well as commercial photography. In the field of comtemporary art the series refers to the genre of performance.

I have presented the series at The Young Artists’ Biennal at Taidehalli, Helsinki, Finland in 2003 and at ”Uudet maan kuvat” in Porvoo, Finland as well as at a solo exhibition at Gallery 5, Oulu in 2004. In 2005 the series was presented at Palais de Universitaire in Strasbourg, France, and at Produzentengalerie Offenburg in Germany as well as at Fiskars, Finland.
In 2006 the photos were presented at FRAGILE –exhibition by the Association of Scandinavian Artists at Konstnärshuset in Stockholm, Sweden and at the Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki.